This mix has been formulated based on field trials and monitoring conducted by the Xerces Society and other conservation partners. It is comprised of native wildflowers and grasses and is designed to provide permanent, high-quality foraging resources for a diversity of pollinators and other beneficial insects. The recommended seeding rate is approximately 8.2 PLS lbs.
The design of this mix is a result of The Xerces Society and research collaborations with UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and other conservation partners.
White yarrow, Achillea millefolium
Elegant clarkia, Clarkia unguiculata
California poppy, Eschscholzia californica
Gumplant, Grindelia camporum
Common Sunflower, Helianthus annuus
Baby blue eyes, Nemophila menziesii
California phacelia, Phacelia californica
Tansy phacelia, Phacelia tanacetifolia
Alkali sacaton, Sporobolus airoides
Purple needlegrass, Stipa pulchra
Vinegar weed, Trichostema lanceolatum