Specialty Seed

Our Specialty Seed Products

Browse by Seed Type

Our Specialty Seed Categories

Pollinator Seed Blends (11)

Honey Bee Blends (10)

Haymaking Crops (10)

Green Manure Cover Crops (24)

Upland Game Food Plot Blends (7)

Erosion Control Blends (13)

Dryland Pasture Blends (9)

Deer Food Plot Seed (11)

Wildfire Resistant Blends (7)

Wetland Restoration Blends

Scrub Mix (3)

Native Reclamation Seed (24)

Habitat Mix (1)

Bioswale Mixes (3)


Truly Special

Our specialty seed blends are truly special

For help solving your most complex reclamation, revegetation, food plot and beautification challenges, look no further than our specialty seed blends.
Our Difference

Why Nature's Seed?

Here at Natureโ€™s Seed weโ€™re committed to solving problems on your property and fulfilling your vegetation needs. These problems and needs come in many formsโ€”whether your property is being degraded by erosion, a wetland needs to be restored, wildfire damage is trying to be avoided, or if you just want to improve the habitat and diet of your local wildlifeโ€”our specialty seed blends are the solution for you.

Like an artistโ€™s palette or a handymanโ€™s toolbox, nature has provided us a multitude of plant materials to work withโ€”each with unique and valuable characteristics. Every grass, legume, wildflower and forb in our specialty seed blends has been researched and selected for its ability to perform a certain function within your property. Climate conditions, rainfall amounts and soil types have also been thoughtfully considered, and each specialty blend has been tailored to thrive in your particular area of the country.

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