Scientific name: Atriplex lentiformis
Quailbush, also known as big saltbush, is a perennial deciduous evergreen shrub native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Here, it grows in saline or alkaline soils, such as salt flats, dry lake beds, coastlines, and desert scrub. Additionally, it can also be found in non-saline soils along riverbanks and in woodlands. Quailbush is often used to revegetate riparian habitat or to stabilize banks in its native range; and is used in butterfly and bird gardens. Its ability to remain tolerant of drought and difficult sites that experience high winds, salt spray, saline, and alkaline soils makes it incredibly adaptive. Native birds and mammals in particular love the beautiful silvery gray foliage, as it provides food and cover. Itโs excellent for erosion control and is fire resistant. Despite its name, it is a highly palatable forage for most livestock and big game.
Host plant: western pygmy blue, MacNeillโs sootywing, common sootywing, Mohave scootywing