Product Information:
Desert Sage Scrub Mix
Use this mix when native inland scrub restoration is desired. Â It is a blend of grasses, flowers and shrubs for revegetation of soil and slopes with plant types that belong here. Â There is a quick start grass to protect soil and allow slower perennials to provide their permanent cover in the years to come. Â Designed as a non-irrigated mix, irrigation will foster establishment and prolong the blooming period.
Mix contains:
- Acmispon glaber(deerweed)
- Atriplex canescens(fourwing saltbush)
- Atriplex polycarpa(allscale saltbush)
- Chrysothmnus nauseosus(rabbitbush)
- Encelia farinosa(brittlebush)
- Eriodictyon crassifolium(thick-leaf yerba santa)
- Eriogonum fasciculatum(california buckwheat)
- Eschscholzia californica (California poppy)
- Festuca octoflora (six weeks fescue)
- Lasthenia californica(dwarf goldfields)
- Lupinus sparsiflorus(Desert lupine)
- Peritoma arborea(bladderpod)
- Sphaeralcea ambigua (Desert mallow)
Seeding rate: 39 lbs per acre
Height range: 12-54 inches