Our Flowering Meadow seed mix is native and well adapted to coastal through inland conditions below 2,500 elevation in California (see distribution map). We thoughtfully selected wildflowers that are appropriate to this area and that provide a variety of bold and delicate blossoms; with early blooming wildflowers for color throughout spring and summer. This mix has been designed with an emphasis on native wildflowers and with special attention to balanced percentages of annuals and perennials. In the late summer, once seed has set, mow the area to scatter ripe seed for the following year’s growth. In the fall, additional seeding may be desired to establish a stronger, self-supporting stand.
The colors in bloom will vary at different times of the year, and depending on how much water and sunlight are available to the wildflowers. The colors which you will see at different times of the year will include: blues, purples, pinks, reds, yellows, and oranges.
The actual composition of wildflowers will vary from season to season and from year to year, but generally you will receive the following wildflowers in each order of this mix:
Achillea millefolium: White yarrow
Clarkia amoena: Farewell to spring
Coreopsis lanceolata: Lance-leaf coreopsis
Eschscholzia californica: California poppy
Festuca idahoensis: Idaho fescue
Festuca microstachys: Small fescue
Hordeum brachyantherum: California barley
Lasthenia californica: Dwarf goldfields
Layia platyglossa: Tidy tips
Linum lewisii: Blue flax
Lupinus nanus: Sky lupine
Lupinus succulentus: Arroyo lupine
Melica californica: California melic
Stipa pulchra: Purple needlegrass
This mix will make a great addition to any area of your landscape that you want to enhance the color with wildflowers that are not commonly found in typical store-bought seed mixes. Many of the seeds in this mix have been hand-harvested from the wild and, until now, have only been available to professional and commercial buyers. Now you can have a beautiful, unique mix of wildflowers that will offer a sense of natural wildflower beauty and locally adapted native plant authenticity in your landscape.