Scientific Name: Hordeum depressum
Alkali barley, also known as low barley or dwarf barley, is a resilient and versatile annual pasture seed, specially selected for its adaptability to alkaline and saline soils. It is native to the western United States, from Idaho to California, where it can be found in moist habitats such as vernal pools. Alkali barley is an excellent choice for regions with high pH or saline levels. It is a hardy, quick-growing forage option that provides valuable grazing opportunities for livestock, even in less-than-ideal soil conditions. With its robust root system, this pasture seed aids in soil stabilization and erosion control, making it an eco-friendly addition to any agricultural or reclamation project.
Host plant: white-lined sphinx, alfalfa looper moth, venerable dart, armyworm moth, bilobed looper moth, glassy borer, and spotted cut-worm
Produced by Hedgerow Farms