How Much Sun or Shade Does a Bluegrass Seed Lawn Require

Sun Requirements

Although Kentucky bluegrass seeds are a cool-season lawn type, they prefer direct sunlight for optimal growth. Bluegrass seed lawns can still grow well in partial shade, however. Our Velvet Blue Blend and Blue Ribbon Turf Blend products are great choices for areas with minimal amounts of shade. They can be found with our Kentucky Bluegrass seed products. Both blends are traffic tolerant and have a medium texture, but the Velvet Blue Blend will take longer to grow into a full lawn because it is 100% Kentucky bluegrass seed. The Blue Ribbon Turf Blend contains perennial ryegrass seed as well as bluegrass seed, which will help it to establish more quickly.

But what if your lawn area is heavily shaded? Or if you live in a location where daily, direct sunlight is a hit-or-miss chance? Do you have to give up on the idea of a beautiful Kentucky bluegrass lawn altogether?

The good news is no, you donโ€™t. Natureโ€™s Finest Seed offers several distinct blends of bluegrass seeds and other grass seed varieties that will increase your lawnโ€™s endurance to shade and help it maintain its rich color.

Sun Yard

Our Sun & Shade Turfgrass Blend is a unique mix of bluegrass seed, perennial ryegrass seed, and fescue seed, which allows your lawn to thrive in both direct sunlight and full shade. It is the perfect solution for a heavily wooded yard, and can be found here.

If you are more concerned about the weatherโ€™s effect on your lawn, take a look at our Northwest and Northeast Turfgrass Blends. Our Northwest Turfgrass Seed Blend is a mixture of Kentucky bluegrass seeds, perennial ryegrass seeds, and creeping red fescue seeds. This diversity will help your lawn adapt to any number of cloudy, misty days. It also has high disease resistance and salt tolerance, perfect if you live close to the coast. The Northeast Turfgrass Seed Blend mixture of bluegrass seed and fescue seed likewise creates a lawn that can sustain itself in cool, humid, and shady areas, and that will not be as susceptible to diseases. You can have your dream Kentucky bluegrass seed lawn for your family and pets as long as you pick a variety with characteristics most suited to your needs.

If you are unsure as to whether Kentucky bluegrass seed is the right grass seed for you, please refer to our grass seed guides, or use the navigation tabs at the top of the page.

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