
Not Your Mother’s Earth Day Plans

Earth Day

This week marks an extra special Earth Day! It’s Earth Day’s 50th anniversary! With no large festivals or gatherings, we will all have to get creative on how to celebrate! But, if you really think about it, the best way to celebrate the Earth is to give back and treat her with kindness!

We’ve gathered 5 easy ways to celebrate Earth Day this year! Not only will these ideas get you outdoors and crafty, but they will help you celebrate Mother Earth beyond April 22nd.

1. Build a Birdhouse

The phrase “the birds are louder,” has been trending on Twitter since people started spending more time indoors. We promise the birds are not getting louder! With more people indoors, the world has quieted down just enough for us to hear the earth just a little better!

Building a birdhouse can supply your new friends with a safe place to nest protected from the elements and predators. But we’re not just talking any old birdhouse here, we are talking about recycled birdhouses! You can make a birdhouse out of old shoes, teapots, license plates or trash. Check out some of these ideas or get creative with your own!

2. Plant Bee Happy Plants

Bees are officially on the verge of extinction! Unfortunately, not everyone can be beekeepers, but we all can be bee-friendly! An easy way to help save the bees is to plant a bee-friendly garden

We have a huge selection of honey bee pasture blends catered to your area that will increase honey production, promote healthy colonies and enlarge your bee populations!

3. Get Crafty

Not a crafty person? We got you! Making plantable seed paper is so easy, even the craft-impaired can do it! Not only can seed paper ultimately be planted, but it also makes great notepaper, invitations, postcards, and gifts! Everything you need for this project can be found in your home, so there’s no need for a craft store run. We recommend using any of our premium wildflower seed blends crafted just for your specific area!

You can find an easy step by step guide here!

4. Start a Garden

Okay, but really! This is the perfect time to stop dreaming about your perfect garden and dig in! (Pun completely intended) But why start now? Less food waste, less environmental impact, save energy, fight soil erosion, save money, better health, great-tasting food, the list goes on and on. There is no bad time to start a Garden. (Except maybe in the middle of a snowstorm!)

5. Make a Compost Bin

28% of what we throw away consists of food scraps and yard waste, things we should be composting instead! Composting enriches the soil and reduces methane emissions, lowering your carbon footprint. Afraid to compost? We got you covered with answers to some of the biggest composting fears in this blog post

Need a place to start? Here’s how to make a compost bin for > $10

BONUS IDEAS: Don’t Just Leave the Celebrations to April 22nd

The best way to celebrate Earth Day is to make plans now to treat the Earth better every day! Even making small changes can make a huge difference in the long run!

  • Update your light bulbs
  • Have a Recycling Plan
  • Start Carpooling in the future
  • Fix Leaky Faucets
  • Eat Locally
  • Switch to Reusable Bags