Grass Seed, Lawn Care, Maintenance

Best Time to Plant Grass Seed: Based On Type & Region

Best Seed for Your Region 

The best time to plant grass seed depends on several factors, including where you live. Even if you time everything perfectly, without a seed variety that grows well in your region, you probably won’t see the results you’re hoping for. Read more to find out the best time to plant grass seed in 11 major growth zones in the United States.

Best Time to Plant Grass Based on Type

Before you spend weeks planting and watering a new lawn, it’s important that you understand which type of grass seed you’re dealing with. Timing depends on whether you’re dealing with cool- or warm-season varieties. 

Cool Season Grass

As a general rule, cool-season grasses should be planted in the fall (when temperatures get cooler). These varieties perform well in colder climates. Examples of cool-season grasses include:

Warm Season Grass 

Warm-season grass seed should be planted in the spring or late spring. You can remember this rule because spring means the weather is “warming up.” Warm-season grasses are popular in the south because they perform well in heat. Examples of warm-season grasses include:

Best Time to Plant Grass Seed Based on Region 

If you’re wondering, “When is the best time to plant grass seed in the spring?” the answer still depends on the type of seed, and your growing zone. This list covers the best time to plant grass seed in 11 major growth zones in the United States.

  1. Great Lakes/ New England

The best time to plant grass seed in the northeast is the fall because cool-season grasses can withstand harsh winters. In a typical year, you can start planting grass seed in New England and the Great Lakes region after Labor Day. 

September 3rd–September 15th is a good window because the ground should still be relatively warm, but not too hot. 

  1. Midwest

The best time to plant grass seed in the midwest is also the fall, as temperatures can drop significantly in the winter. Generally, between the middle of August and the middle of September should work.

We recommend a window of August 20th–Labor Day, as long as it’s not an unusually hot summer.

  1. South Atlantic 

The south Atlantic region of the US is a transitional region, meaning both cool- and warm-season grasses are common. 

  • For warm-season grasses, you can usually plant grass seed in early spring, between March 15th–March 31st.
  • For cool-season grasses, early fall is best. August 30th–September 15th.
  1. Southern Subtropics

Warm-season grasses are typically more common in the southern subtropics. States like Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia should plant in the spring. 

Planting around Memorial Day is usually a safe bet: May 25th–June 5th

  1. Great Plains

The Great Plains is another region that commonly plants cool-season grasses like fescue and Kentucky bluegrass. 

Shoot for a window between August 15th–September 15th for best results. 

  1. Southwest Steppe 

The best time to plant grass seed in the southwest steppe (areas like San Antonio and Odessa), is late spring. Warm-season grasses like Bermudagrass do well when the soil is warmed up. 

Memorial Day–June 10th is typically a good window. 

  1. Intermountain West

The intermountain west region is expansive—covering northern Utah, all of Idaho and Montana, and eastern Washington and Oregon. Because these areas all typically experience freezing winters, cool-season grasses are common. 

Early fall, Labor Day–September 15th, is an ideal time to seed in these states.

  1. Southwest Transitional 

Southern Utah, northern Arizona, and central Nevada are relatively warm throughout the year, but this area is still considered a transitional zone. 

For warm-season grasses, plant between April 1st–April 15th.

Cool-season grasses in this region can be planted throughout the year, avoiding the hottest months of May–August. February and October are both common months for planting cool-season grass here.

  1. Southwest Desert

Though temperatures are warmer in this area, both warm- and cool-season grasses are common. 

In Las Vegas, Phoenix, and surrounding areas, plan to plant warm grasses around Memorial Day, and cool season grasses September 20th–October 10th.

  1. Pacific Northwest

 In the Pacific Northwest, the best time to plant warm-season grass seed is before Memorial Day—May 1st–May 15th. The best time for cool-season grass is after Labor Day—September 5th–September 20th.

  1. Pacific Southwest

Much of the Pacific Southwest experiences mild weather year-round, so several varieties of grass seed are popular. In California, early fall and late spring are great times to plant grass seed. 

For warm-season grasses, aim for May 20th–June 15th. For cool-season grasses, September 25th–October 15th.

Check out our SeedSelector Map for a full list of grass seed varieties by region.

Learn More About Grass Seed at Nature’s Seed

Once you’re familiar with the types of grass that grow best in your area, you can select the best time to plant grass seed for your region. 

Find high-quality grass seed varieties for every region at Nature’s Seed, and start growing a beautiful lawn today.